Tuesday 7 May 2013

Writer's techniques Prose

Assessment Objective 1
Respond to texts critically and imaginatively; select and evaluate relevant textual detail to illustrate and support interpretations.
This will be conveyed by the candidate’s ability to:
  •   demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the text;
  •   understand and communicate explicit and implicit meanings;
  •   substantiate point of view by relevant reference, inference and deduction, using
    appropriate and effective quotation as required;
  •   express convincing and supported personal responses, opinions and preferences;
  •   provide insights into characters, relationships, attitudes and values.
    Quality of written communication is also being assessed through AO1. This requires that candidates: ensure that text is legible and that spelling, punctuation and grammar are accurate so that meaning is clear; select and use a form and style of writing appropriate to purpose; and organise information clearly and coherently, using appropriate vocabulary. All mark grids include a descriptor under AO1 assessing QWC through reference to the structure/organisation of responses and accuracy in expression.
    Assessment Objective 2
    Explore how language, structure and form contribute to writers’ presentation of ideas, themes and settings.
    This will be conveyed by the candidate’s ability to:
  •   consider and comment upon different views and interpretations of texts;
  •   comment meaningfully on the texts studied referring to the appropriateness of the form
    and structure adopted by the writer;
  •   describe and appreciate the effectiveness of general and specific uses of language and
    stylistic devices;
  •   appreciate changing mood, atmosphere and tone and comment upon how they are

    • –  structure of the text: chapters, climax, sequential/chronological ordering, conclusion; circular structure used in OMAM (ends where it begins); use of 6 sections, not chapters, almost like a play
    • –  descriptive techniques (e.g. use of imagery and the senses, simile, metaphor);
    • –  creation of setting (e.g. time, place, atmosphere);
    • –  creation of character (e.g. through narrator’s descriptions, use of dialogue, actions, characterisation);
    • –  narration (e.g. omniscient 3 rd person narrator)
    • –  cohesive elements (e.g. repetition of words or ideas, climax, suspense, sequential ordering);
    • –  use of punctuation and other typographical effects (e.g. italics, capitalisation, suspension points, ellipsis, dashes, pauses). 
      -  vocabulary choices; verb, adverb, adjective

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